I have been called many things in my life. Good things and not so good things. One thing I have recognized in myself is that I can be naive. I find myself wanting to give people a chance to show that there is more good than bad in them. Most of the time I get burned. My husband warns me. My son warns me. But still, I hold out until I finally realise that I am giving my time to the wrong person. Again.
I have what some would call an idealistic view of what the world should be. I believe that people should be kind and helpful to one another. At the same time, I believe in being straight with people. I don't sugar coat things and I don't dance around things. If you ask me a question, I give you an answer. Some say that I am too straight forward and it hurts feelings. I don't understand that either. I do my very best to be honest without hurting anyone and I expect honesty in return - even if it does hurt. It is better to know the truth and change your behavior than to have someone lie to you and keep making the same mistakes that are causing problems in your life.
My husband and a few of my friends have pointed out things in my own life that were causing problems. It hurt at the time but it caused me to take a look at myself and change that behavior. I expect that if someone cares for me, they will be honest with me. That is why I allow so few friends to get close to me. Only those I trust the most, those who are honest with me, are allowed into my private life. I've been burned too many times.
I refuse to be politically correct. I think it's stupid. Everyday someone has new word that offends them. Ridiculous. Grow a thicker skin.
We live in such a touchy feely world. You can't say this because it offends this person. You can't do that because it offends someone. You can't be completely honest because it could hurt someones feelings. Paleease! Grow up!
To me, it's very simple; you choose how you react and you choose how you feel. If someone said something that pricked your spirit or had a harsh truth in it and you got mad, you chose to get mad. Just like to choose to be offended or happy or perpetually sad. Everything you do in this life is a choice and you are the only person responsible for your choices. If you don't like the outcome, change your choices. Why is that so hard?
I have taught my children to be responsible for their choices but most adults spend way too much time and energy blaming everyone around them for their choices rather than acknowledging the situation and working to change it. Look at our government. Prime example.
When I was younger I asked God for very few things in order to be truly happy in this life. I asked God to never leave me. He hasn't. I asked for a husband who would love me through good times and bad. God gave me that. I asked for a home where I could put down roots. He gave that to me. Finally I asked for happy, healthy children. He gave me three.
I never needed wealth or fame or anything except a simple life, with simple things. Peace is a main factor in my happiness. I never have and never will understand those who need constant drama to feel alive. I know so many people who either invite drama or create it everyday because they need something to be upset about. I have had my share of drama and when it is going on, all I want to do is get through it as quickly as possible so the peace can come back home.
This sounds like rambling, I know, but I do have a point.... For me, the keys to true happiness are honesty, responsibility -especially responsibility for my own actions and feelings, peace and simplicity. God must be right up in the middle of everything for me.
Love is not shown enough in this world. Too many people mistake kindness for weakness so the kind feel they must stay on guard to keep from being hurt or used. What a sad world we live in!
I have decided to make my little place in this world a kind, honest, helpful, loving, God-filled place that is full of peace. I invite you to decide what kind of person you want to be and have the courage to become that person no matter who it offends. Be the very best you and I believe the very best will seek you out.
I won't tell you it is an easy journey but I will tell you that it is worth it. I am here if you want to share your journey. If not, I will share mine. We're all in this together anyway. Stepping down from my little soapbox now. Ya'll have a good night.
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