People are strange.
All through history people have tried to find ways to control other people. From what they wear to how they behave to what is acceptable to believe. I think there should be a code of behavior. What is morally and ethically acceptable and what is not. Without that code, there would be complete chaos. Not that we aren't close to that now anyway.
I did not go to church today. Fibromyalgia got the best of me and after falling twice I spent the day in bed watching documentaries and doing research. I watched several documentaries on The Bible and how it came to be. I wanted to know who put it together and how they went about choosing the books that were included. I also wanted to know what was left out and why.
I got my answers. I am not going to put them all here because there is just way too much information to explain. God said to seek out your own salvation. You should do that.
Point is, some of those answers had to do with control. The Romans wanted to control the church and the people. Constantine wanted complete control and wanted to be viewed as Christ on earth. The Pope wanted control, Henry the Eighth wanted control and on and on down through the ages. They all wanted to tell people what to do and when to do it and why to do it and you better get permission to do it first.
Until The Bible was translated into German, no one knew they could work out their own salvation and have a very personal relationship with Jesus. The control freaks didn't want them to know. But now we do and that is that.
So as I was sitting here thinking about all of this, my daughter came in and told me that at church this morning, part of the sermon had to do with the fact that the world is going to hell because people watch The Walking Dead and vampires and werewolves and play violent video games and listen to certain music.
Guess what? I watch The Walking Dead. Does that mean I am going to hell? Does that mean that I no longer love Jesus or that I am suddenly not a good person? It kinda irritated me that fear was being used to attempt to control what people are watching or listening to.
Ironic, isn't it. Here I am studying this and it walks right into my bedroom.
This is exactly why I tend to question every thing and search out the answers for myself. I happen to know for a fact that Jesus Christ is alive and well. I know him very well. That is not a question for me. But when someone uses 'going to hell' as a means of control rather than show the love of Christ to bring people to the correct path, it irritates the crap out of me. These people want to be on the narrow road. That is why they are in church. They want to learn about Jesus not your opinion of what they should watch on tv.
The road to hell is a wide one, I know. It widens everyday. That is a sad truth. The path to Heaven is a narrow and difficult one. I know that too. I'm walking on it. But let me tell you this; what you watch on tv or listen to on the radio may influence your emotions but it will not send you to hell. Not knowing God the Father and not having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is what sends you to hell. Your faith is what saves you. FAITH.
Pastor is human. He had an off day. It's forgivable. I straightened out my daughter so no harm, no foul. But here is what I want you to know, YOU are responsible for your soul. Not your pastor, not your friends, not anyone around you. It is up to you to ask questions, pick up your Bible, read it and then search out more answers. It is up to you to walk right up to Jesus and get to know Him. Just like with anyone new that you meet-introduce yourself and then build a relationship. It's on you.
I am not afraid of death. I have a great deal of faith in my Father and where I am heading. I would really like to see you there! You don't have to beat anyone over the head with your Bible or shoot Bible bullets at anyone to show you are a Christian. You just have to be you and know Him.
None of us are perfect. We're all a little strange. He loves us anyway.
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