Today has been a 'take it slow' day for me. Sometimes I do not realize that I have gone into flare until it's too late to do anything but try to minimize the symptoms. I have been pushing things harder than I should have but let's be honest here, fibro is a pain in the butt. It gets in the way of things that I want to do and sometimes I just blow right past the warning signs and do what I want to do anyway. I'm stubborn that way.
This has not been a major pain event, though I know that is coming. I realized this afternoon that I had gone into flare when I found myself misspelling the same simple word over and over again. I knew how to spell it. I knew what keys to hit, but my brain was not getting the signal to my hands. Later, I lost a thought in a thick cloud in my mind and could not reach in and get it back. Fibro fog. Damn!
I did it to myself. With the weather changing from warmish to freezing every other day, I knew to slow down and take precautions but sometimes those precautions are time consuming and I just don't want to do them. They cut in to the time that I could be doing other things. For example, I know to go to bed at a decent hour but I have been working at night because that is when I have a pretty good shot at actually getting some work done without "Mom!" being shouted fifty times in an hour.
I have been able to get a lot of work done while my family is sleeping so I'm not so sure that I'm willing to give up that quiet time just yet. Flare or not. I keep thinking that there must be a happy medium during daylight hours but with children, there really isn't. With all of the housework, errands, pets, children and my husband, I have no time during the day to just work, so I will continue to work at night. There is no other option at the moment.
I know that all I can really do is eat right, hydrate, exercise and rest when my body demands it. It promises to be very demanding for the foreseeable future. Don't you just love flare? Ya, me too. Hopefully someday soon, scientists will discover a real solution for this. In the mean time, if you have this, don't blow past the warning signs. Next time, I think I will pay closer attention.
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