Murphy stuck with me for another week. Right after my last post, our satellite went down. Permanently. Seems we have been forced into an upgrade. After one angry phone call, we are getting that upgrade for free and a two year contract that insures that our bill remains the same BUT it took the company a week to replace our satellite and get us back online.
I can choose to be aggravated that I now have to play catch up. No Internet access means that all of last weeks writing jobs went the way of the dinosaur. Instead, I have decided that I will just be happy that we now have better Internet service and I have plenty of things to catch up on. I could have no jobs waiting for me.
Murphy has not entirely left us. My husband has not worked at all this week. He is not a happy camper. He is a workaholic who, when not working, lets his irritation be known all day, all through the house. I have not worked in five days due to the Internet issue and now he has not worked in three. We are both freaking out more than a little about our bill schedule. Try playing 'catch up' with a highly irritated husband stomping around the house. My concentration levels are not exactly at their peak and he is a definite distraction.
Before you ask, the answer is no. I have not returned to the sleep schedule that those elusive 'normal people' keep talking about. I get a few hours here and there but with all of the extra pressure lately, my mind has channeled the energizer bunny. It. Just. Keeps. Going.
The Carolina's have also been a big topic in my house. There is high paying, consistent work for my husband, an artists community for me, plenty of historic homes that need remodeling, ocean (which I have never seen, by the way. Not one. Ever.) and mountains for my husband. Our youngest daughter has a melt down every time the topic is brought up but if we decide to sell our land and move, she will be 18 soon enough. Who knows? She may like it there. She has never seen an ocean either. I bet she would love it. I doubt her melt downs would happen if there wasn't a boy that she has her eyes on.
Something has to give. My dreams are finally beginning to take hold and inch forward but we may have to move again in order for my husband to be able to chase down his dreams. We have done it before. I can work from anywhere so I am willing to move again. Especially if I get to play in the ocean.
I love Tennessee. I have for the past ten years but sometimes in order to move forward, you first have to move. Standing still is not an option. Not for us. Not for you. What ever dreams you are reaching for, don't stand still and wait for them to come to you. Literally chase them down. You will never catch them by standing still. Move forward. Even if it's baby steps. Keep moving forward.
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