Today has been slow body wise but full mentally. I have done all of the things that need to be done in order to get my body moving. I even forced myself to eat a small breakfast. I am not a breakfast person. I never have been, so it is a fairly big accomplishment to actually eat in the morning.
I am trying to put the weight back on that I lost during the last flair. I officially weigh one hundred and get that girl a cheeseburger so putting the weight back on in a healthy way is one of my short term goals.
I have done my morning stretching and have made certain to stay moving for thirty minutes at a time several times today. If you have Fibromyalgia, CMP or any chronic illness, I recommend heading over to facebook and getting to know my friend Tanya at The Fibromyalgia Five Minute Fitness Challenge. The goal is to start out small and move for five minutes a day. Nothing strenuous, just move. Walking, stretching...whatever you can do and add another minute as you feel you are ready. Some people can only start off with three minutes and work up to five. The point is, with chronic pain, you must move in order to begin to get some of the pain under control. We hold each other accountable to move and the encouragement is second to none. Many people are helped by her page. I often think of Tanya when I just hurt too much to want to move and then I start moving.
Other than eating a healthy breakfast and getting in some exercise, I have been writing. I have been assigned thirteen articles and I can choose to write them or not. I can choose to write a few or write articles that I come up with on my own and submit for approval.
I can't say I am too pleased with the articles that I have been assigned. I mean, it's money so sure I'll write them but they are all fluff pieces to divert the reader's attention from the important things that are happening in our world and though I do not feel the pieces are beneath me, they are booooorrrring. I could care less who is dating whom and which celebrity is divorcing or who is wearing what and I have absolutely NO interest in writing pieces on refinancing your mortgage in these tough economic time. Yes, I can do the research and write them, and I have been, but it feels like it is sucking the intelligence out of my brain.
I have decided to write what I know and submit it for approval as well as the fluffy bunnies. Yes, we need the money but I am also considering the fact that these articles make up part of my portfolio and who can take you seriously if you are only writing mind numbing fluff?
I know a lot about a little and a little about a lot and the rest I'll have fun researching. I enjoy the research. I get to learn something new and to my mind, that's the coolest thing I can do. That and replace the cells that the bunnies have murdered.
I am thankful to get a paycheck for doing something that I love to do. It's only work when I dislike what I am writing. So I'll keep those to a minimum.
We all have something in our lives, maybe more than one something, that we really love to do. If you can take that talent and turn it into a paycheck, I strongly encourage you to do so. My Grandpa used to say, "If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life." I agree. If what you do for a paycheck brings you joy, do it! I'm going to go finish up for the day. Today has been a good day!
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