Yes, yes, yes, I am STILL working on the nutrition series. I want to get it right. It's useless if it's not as complete a picture as I can give you in such a short space, which is why it has to be a small series. While I am working on that, life keeps marching on and I have a family to take care of and two children to get ready for college this fall.
I went to my daughter's summer welcome at her new college this past Tuesday. I did not want to go but it was a required event. One that I was also required to pay for. Gotta love the nickel and dime stuff!
I knew it was going to be a very hard day on me fibro wise. It was ninety-five degrees outside and I may as well have been drinking my oxygen, as humid as it was. The campus is three miles wide and we crossed it four times. We had to check in by seven thirty in the morning which meant we had to be on the road by six a.m. and the day was scheduled to end at four thirty p.m. NINE whole hours in the blazing sun, crazy humidity and walking, walking, walking. Psshh!
Everyone was sweating and cranky and the crowd was like a herd of cattle rushing toward water every time we were taken inside of a new building to explore. They knew those building were air conditioned and there was actual pushing and shoving amongst adults to be one of the first inside. My skin is sensitive. I can not take the pushing and shoving.
When we were seated in an auditorium to listen to speech after speech, the large amount of people caused the room temperature to rise. That, along with feeling crowded, I started to feel panic. I texted my husband, who is a man of few words - not much help there. So I texted my best friend who told me to go to a safe place in my head and breathe deeply. I was taking her advice. Starting to calm down, when a woman decided to stand over me to talk to someone behind me and COUGHED ON MY HEAD! That was it. I was outta there in a hurry! I am a germaphobe. I'm the first to admit it. But there is a reason for it. My immune system is in a constant battle with my body (I think they just enjoy the fight ;) If some incredibly rude person introduces a whole new germ to my very dysfunctional immune system, I will be down for weeks and I know it. So I ran.
When I finally did rejoin the group at lunch (which I had paid for in advance) the lady beside me decided to not only cough in my direction but to blow her nose into the linen napkin and set it on my side. I left.
I walked the campus for a while and then found an air conditioned building where I sat and wrote another chapter for my book while I waited for my daughter. I made it until two thirty but by then, my feet were so swollen I had to drive home barefoot.
Now, I knew I would owe the fibro fairy for getting out in the hot, humid weather and walking too many miles and I had hoped that I would only owe her one day but apparently - she's pissed! I paid yesterday and even with a sleeping pill (which I rarely take) she refused to allow the Sandman to visit me last night. So now we know what happens today, don't we. That's not a question. I'm all ready in twice the amount of pain that I was in yesterday.
That is the biggest thing that I have never understood about fibromyalgia. Now, I know I have CMP too and that greatly contributes to my pain, but why is it this disease punishes its' host for doing something that would normally be good for you? I know the science behind it but today it just strikes me as stooooopid! I can clearly see that I owe the fibro fairy much more than I thought. It's beginning to look like the rest of this week is shot. I'll finish making my payments because I always pay in full and then I will get back to business. I love ya'll! Be nice to you!
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