Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Moral Compass

I am grateful for my family. I am grateful that I have been blessed to be a Mother and raise the amazing people that my children have become. Yesterday I realized that my job is far from finished. Two of my children may be considered legal adults but they are still children. They are still naïve and have difficulty in trying to see the bigger picture rather than only focusing on what is right in front of them.
Yesterday I had to open my oldest daughter's eyes a bit wider and she didn't like it. At all. But in the end, she understood and I'm hoping she will take that lesson into the future and draw on it when it happens again. It will happen again.
It got me thinking; most of the population sees the world the way my daughter does. 'Sure bad things happen. But it isn't my fault and I can't stop it and as long as it doesn't happen in my little world, I'll be sad for the people for a whole minute and move on. That's just the way the world is.'
WRONG! When did I fail to teach her this stuff? Fail on my part! It irritated the crap out of me!
It started with her telling me how sad and unexpected Shain Gandee's death is. The star of some show called Buckwild - I actually had to Google it and read about the show and the players to understand what she was talking about. Basically, yet another reality show star gone wrong.
My daughter thought it was so very sad that this boy had died and she talked about how it was so unexpected and awful. She did not expect my reaction.
Yes it is sad. Yes it is awful. But unexpected? Nope. Should have seen it coming. And guess what? Everyone who watched that show is partially responsible for what happened to him.
We used to prize wisdom, goodness and wholesomeness. We used to promote family values and having a strong sense of right from wrong. Not anymore.
Now we tell 20 somethings that they are invincible and that if they will get sloppy drunk, use drugs, party like idiots, get D.U.I.'s, cop assault charges, have sex with random people, get pregnant and not know who the daddy is - and allow America to watch you do these things on T.V., we will not only pay you big money for it, you will be rich and famous!
Look at the cast of Jersey Shore. Look at Honey Booboo's family. Read the news reports on these idiots. And yes, if you are watching these shows to get a laugh, you are directly responsible for it when they get so drunk that they don't realize the cab of their truck is filling with carbon monoxide and they die. When they overdose, when they act like they have no common decency whatsoever, it is your fault for watching and sending the message that it is perfectly all right to destroy yourself because as long as we are entertained, you get paid.
If there was no big payday for you to act that way, you most likely would not take it to extremes to entertain the masses. Even if you acted that way on your own, you might have the hope of coming to your senses one day and growing up. Sadly, a lot of these kids never get to grow up because they kill themselves trying to top the last idiotic thing they did so the next episode will get good ratings.
Their poor Mothers. To lose a child that way is unthinkable to me. To know it was encouraged by thousands of people must tear away a part of your soul as a parent.
Once I explained it to my daughter and she got over being mad at me, she actually thought about what I said and told me that I was right. She just never would have thought of things that way.
Let me tell you something: Everything you do affects someone else in some way. Whether it is a T.V. show or smiling at a stranger in the grocery store. Try to affect someone else in a positive manner. Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. If you want someone to root on your childs' destruction, go on and watch those types of shows.
This world is what people want it to be. Nothing is going to change until we change it. Turning the channel will eventually stop the death of another Mother's child. Lesson learned.
Ya'll have a good night and if you are a parent, hold your children tight. We only have them for a little while.

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